Maine - Pending LEGISLATION

  • Bill: LD545

    • Short Description: "An Act To Combat the Sexual Exploitation of Minors in Maine"

    • Summary: The purpose of this bill is to strengthen the criminal justice system's and human services response to child sex trafficking. It increases the criminal penalty for engaging in prostitution or attempting to engage in prostitution with a person less than 18 years of age or a person believed by the actor to be less than 18 years of age. In the Child and Family Services and Child Protection Act, the bill adds to the definition of "abuse or neglect" sexual exploitation of a minor, aggravated sex trafficking, sex trafficking and patronizing prostitution of a minor and to the definition of "aggravating factor" promotion of prostitution, patronizing prostitution of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, sex trafficking and aggravated sex trafficking, regardless of whether the actor has a familial relationship to the child. The bill adds to the duties of the Department of Health and Human Services coordinating and providing care and services specialized to the needs of child victims of sexual exploitation and requires programs that provide services to have policies that screen for and respond to child sex trafficking. The bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that investigation and provision of care and services in cases related to child sex trafficking are specialized to the needs of child victims. The bill adds to the duties of child advocacy centers, requiring a center to act as coordinator and provider of specialized services for child victims of sex trafficking.

    • Sponsored By: Representative John ANDREWS of Paris

    • Cosponsored By: Senator Bill Diamond of Cumberland, Representative Tiffany Roberts of South Berwick, Representative Charlotte Warren of Hallowell

    • Legislative History:

      • 2/22/2021- House Received by the Clerk of the House on February 22, 2021.

        The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on JUDICIARY pursuant to Joint Rule 308.2 and ordered printed pursuant to Joint Rule 401.

      • 3/30/2021-House Carried over, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 435.

      • 6/17/2021-House-Reports READ.

        On motion of Representative HARNETT of Gardiner, the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report was ACCEPTED.

        The Bill was READ ONCE.

        Committee Amendment "A" (H-702) was READ and ADOPTED.

        Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING without REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading.

        The Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-702).

        Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

      • 6/17/2021- Senate Reports READ

        On motion by Senator CARNEY of Cumberland The Majority Ought to Pass As Amended Report ACCEPTED

        READ ONCE

        Committee Amendment "A" (H-702) READ and ADOPTED

        Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED by Committee Amendment "A" (H-702) in concurrence

      • 6/17/2021-House, This being an emergency measure, a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the House was necessary.


        Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

      • 6/17/2021-Senate, On motion by Senator BAILEY of York PLACED ON THE SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE pending PASSAGE TO BE ENACTED - Emergency - 2/3 Elected Required, in concurrence.

      • Last Action: 7/19/2021-Senate-CARRIED OVER, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order HP 1302

  • Bill: LD 1324

    • Short Description: Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services To Conduct an Assessment of Human Trafficking in the State

    • Summary: This resolve directs the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct an assessment of human trafficking in the State patterned on an assessment conducted in 2015 and to provide the assessment and recommendations to the Legislature on how to combat human trafficking with regard to prevention and reentry.

    • Sponsored By: Representative Tiffany ROBERTS of South Berwick

    • Cosponsored By: Representative John ANDREWS of Paris ,Senator Catherine BREEN of Cumberland, Representative Kristen CLOUTIER of Lewiston ,Representative Michele MEYER of Eliot, Representative Lois RECKITT of South Portland, Representative Holly STOVER of Boothbay

    • Legislative History:

      • 3/30/2021-House Committee on Judiciary suggested and ordered printed.

        The Resolve was REFERRED to the Committee on JUDICIARY.

        Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

      • 3/30/2021-Senate On motion by Senator CARNEY of Cumberland The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES In NON-CONCURRENCE

        Sent down for concurrence

      • 3/30/2021-House The House RECEDED and CONCURRED to REFERENCE to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES.


      • 3/30/2021-House Carried over, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 435.

      • 6/2/2021-House CONSENT CALENDAR - FIRST DAY

        Under suspension of the rules CONSENT CALENDAR - SECOND DAY.

        The Resolve was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-277).

        Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

      • 6/3/2021-Senate Report READ and ACCEPTED, in concurrence.

        READ ONCE.

        Committee Amendment "A" (H-277) READ and ADOPTED, in concurrence.

        Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME and PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (H-277), in concurrence.

        Ordered sent down forthwith.

      • 6/7/2021-House FINALLY PASSED.

        Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.

      • 6/8/2021-SenateOn motion by Senator BREEN of Cumberland PLACED ON THE SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE pending FINAL PASSAGE, in concurrence.

      • 7/19/2021-SenateCARRIED OVER, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order HP 1302