§ 43-26-3. Procedures when responding to allegation of child abuse, or human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation of a child; presumption that minor taken into custody under Section 97-29-49 is victim of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. 

(1) The Department of Child Protection Services shall immediately send the on-call caseworker to the scene or location chosen by law enforcement (a) when the department is contacted by a law enforcement officer who encounters a minor whom the officer reasonably suspects of being a victim of human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, and (b) the officer requests such assistance using the Mississippi Child Protection Services hotline. 

(2) The Department of Child Protection Services, in addition to its duties provided in Section 43-21-353, within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving a report of child abuse, human trafficking of a child or commercial sexual exploitation of a child, sending an on-call caseworker to a location in response to a minor who is reasonably suspected of being a victim of human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation at the request of a law enforcement officer, or when a Child Protection Services caseworker encounters a minor who is reasonably suspected of being a victim of human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, shall: 

(a) Make in-person contact with the child to determine appropriate next steps for the protection of the child, or where in-person contact cannot be made within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the report, shall immediately notify the Coordinator of Services for Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation within the Department of Child Protection Services and law enforcement, and shall document all steps taken to make contact with the child as well as the steps that will be taken to locate and ascertain the safety of the child; 

(b) Attempt to have an on-site interview with the child’s caretaker; 

(c) Attempt to have law enforcement or an appropriate investigator conduct an on-site interview with the child’s suspected offender; and 

(d) Document and assess the safety of other children in the care or custody of the caretaker and/or who may be at risk of abuse by the suspected offender. 

(2) If the child is suspected to be a victim of human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, the Coordinator of Services for Victims of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation within the Department of Child Protection Services shall activate an emergency, separate and specialized human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation assessment team. The team shall include, at a minimum: (a) an investigator certified by the Mississippi Human Trafficking Operational Task Force Board, (b) an investigator from the Department of Child Protection Services, and (c) a person certified by the office of the Attorney General as an advocate for victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Such emergency assessment team shall be created without authorization of the youth court, or designated by the Office of the Attorney General as an advocate for such victims. 

(3) Any person under eighteen (18) years of age taken into custody under the provisions of Section 97-29-49 shall be presumed a victim of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. 

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§ 45-6-7. Powers of board. 

In addition to the powers conferred upon the board elsewhere in this chapter, the board shall have power to: 


(b) Establish minimum educational and training standards for admission to employment or appointment as a law enforcement officer or a part-time law enforcement officer: (i) in a permanent position; and (ii) in a probationary status. The minimum educational and training standards for any law enforcement officer assigned to field or investigative duties shall include at least two (2) hours of training related to handling complaints of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children as defined in Section 43-21-105, communicating with such victims, and requiring the officer to contact the Department of Child Protection Services when human trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation is suspected. 


(e) Establish minimum curriculum requirements for basic and advanced courses and programs for schools operated by or for the state or any political subdivision thereof for the specific purpose of training police and other law enforcement officers, both full- and part-time, which shall include a minimum of two (2) hours of training in a course or courses related to the identification of and support for victims of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.