IC 35-50-5-3 Restitution order

     Sec. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsection (i), (j), (l), or (m), in addition to any sentence imposed under this article for a felony or misdemeanor, the court may, as a condition of probation or without placing the person on probation, order the person to make restitution to the victim of the crime, the victim's estate, or the family of a victim who is deceased. The court shall base its restitution order upon a consideration of:

(1) property damages of the victim incurred as a result of the crime, based on the actual cost of repair (or replacement if repair is inappropriate);

(2) medical and hospital costs incurred by the victim (before the date of sentencing) as a result of the crime;

(3) the cost of medical laboratory tests to determine if the crime has caused the victim to contract a disease or other medical condition;

(4) earnings lost by the victim (before the date of sentencing) as a result of the crime including earnings lost while the victim was hospitalized or participating in the investigation or trial of the crime; and

(5) funeral, burial, or cremation costs incurred by the family or estate of a homicide victim as a result of the crime.


     (c) When a restitution order is issued under subsection (a), the issuing court may order the person to pay the restitution, or part of the restitution, directly to:

(1) the victim services division of the Indiana criminal justice institute in an amount not exceeding:

(A) the amount of the award, if any, paid to the victim under IC 5-2-6.1; and

(B) the cost of the reimbursements, if any, for emergency services provided to the victim under IC 16-10-1.5 (before its repeal) or IC 16-21-8; or

(2) a probation department that shall forward restitution or part of restitution to:

(A) a victim of a crime;

(B) a victim's estate; or

(C) the family of a victim who is deceased.

The victim services division of the Indiana criminal justice institute shall deposit the restitution it receives under this subsection in the violent crime victims compensation fund established by IC 5-2-6.1-40.


     (e) An order of restitution under subsection (a), (i), (j), (l), or (m) does not bar a civil action for:

(1) damages that the court did not require the person to pay to the victim under the restitution order but arise from an injury or property damage that is the basis of restitution ordered by the court; and

(2) other damages suffered by the victim.

     (f) Regardless of whether restitution is required under subsection (a) as a condition of probation or other sentence, the restitution order is not discharged by the completion of any probationary period or other sentence imposed for a felony or misdemeanor.


     (k) The court shall order a person convicted of an offense under IC 35-42-3.5 to make restitution to the victim of the crime in an amount equal to the greater of the following:

(1) The gross income or value to the person of the victim's labor or services.

(2) The value of the victim's labor as guaranteed under the minimum wage and overtime provisions of:

(A) the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201-209); or

(B) IC 22-2-2 (Minimum Wage);

whichever is greater.