IA HF630

Enacted: 05/16/2023

Bill Summary:

A bill for an act relating to human trafficking and providing penalties. (Formerly HF 406.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.


Section 1.

Section 710A.2, Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 710A.2 Human trafficking. 1. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 2. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by causing or threatening to cause serious physical injury to another person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “B” felony. 3. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by physically restraining or threatening to physically restrain another person is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 4. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by soliciting services or benefiting from the services of a victim is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 5. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by abusing or threatening to abuse the law or legal process is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 6. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by knowingly destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating, or possessing any actual or purported government identification of another person is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except if that other person is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 7. A person who benefits financially or by receiving anything of value from knowing participation in human trafficking is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony, except that if the victim is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “C”“A” felony. 8. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by knowingly providing or facilitating the provision of a forged, altered, or fraudulent license purportedly issued pursuant to chapter 152C or 157, or a forged, altered, or fraudulent government identification to another person, to force, coerce, entice, assist, facilitate, or permit the other person to perform labor or services is guilty of an aggravated misdemeanora class “D” felony, except if that other person is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony. 9. A person who knowingly engages in human trafficking by knowingly forcing, coercing, enticing, assisting, facilitating, or permitting another person in possession of a forged, altered, or fraudulent license purportedly issued pursuant to chapter 152C or 157, or a forged, altered, or fraudulent government identification, to produce such license or government identification upon request of a peace officer pursuant to section 152C.5B or 157.4A, is guilty of an aggravated misdemeanora class “D” felony, except if that other person is under the age of eighteen, the person is guilty of a class “D”“B” felony. 10. A person’s ignorance of the age of the victim or a belief that the victim was older is not a defense to a violation of this section. 11. A person who is found guilty,or who enters a plea of guilty, receives a deferred judgment, or receives a deferred or suspended sentence forto a violation of this chapter shall be ineligible for a license pursuant to chapter 152C or 157 for a period of not less than five years from the date of conviction, plea, judgment, or sentence. 12. A person who is sentenced under the provisions of this section shall not be eligible for a deferred judgment or a deferred or suspended sentence.

Sec. 2.

Section 907.3, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2023, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph: NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (15) The offense is a violation of section 710A.2.

Sec. 3.

Section 907.3, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 2023, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph: NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (9) The offense is a violation of section 710A.2.

Sec. 4.

Section 907.3, subsection 3, Code 2023, is amended by adding the following new paragraph:

NEW PARAGRAPH. h. A sentence imposed pursuant to section 710A.2.


______________________________ PAT GRASSLEY AMY SINCLAIR Speaker of the House President of the Senate I hereby certify that this bill originated in the House and is known as House File 630, Ninetieth General Assembly.

______________________________ MEGHAN NELSON Chief Clerk of the House Approved _______________, 2023

______________________________ KIM REYNOLDS Governor