How the COVID-19 Pandemic Complicates Trafficking

By Constance Thum, Contributing Writer

To say 2020 has been chaotic would be an understatement, and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of the year launched many nations into a state of frenzied panic. Disruptions caused by the upheaval of our social and economic systems have shifted our attention away from another pressing issue: sex trafficking. 

Loss of stable incomes and growing financial insecurities have exacerbated sex trafficking by incentivising more predators to exploit vulnerable communities, which exposes children to greater risks of abduction or exploitation. Equally significant is how the pandemic has diminished the budgets of organizations that investigate trafficking, partner with law enforcement to arrest traffickers and provide rehabilitation efforts for victims rescued from traffickers—the very organizations that we at One Bread Foundation support. 

Reduced funding has hampered the ability of nonprofits to partner with law enforcement to arrest traffickers or engage in search and rescue operations to identify potential victims. Because governments are forced to divert their financial resources to healthcare resources, police are focused on enforcing lockdown and social distancing rules, which further limits the ability of organizations to investigate trafficking cases. By deprioritising trafficking, predators are likely to remain undetected and websites where child sex abuse material runs rampant are going unobserved. 

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) states that referral mechanisms have faced increased challenges, resulting in delays while identifying victims and referring them to protection schemes. Some shelters have even had to shut down their field offices and suspend outreach services. Travel restrictions have also rendered agencies like the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) less effective in international trafficking cases.

Tighter budgets and fewer available personnel have also severely interfered with organizations’ abilities to provide rehabilitation efforts for victims rescued from traffickers. Ilias Chatzis, chief of UNODC’s human trafficking section, notes, “It’s alarming to hear that, in some places, trafficking victims no longer have access to shelters, some refuges have even closed down due to the virus and others lack protective equipment - putting both victims and staff at risk.” When victims are left homeless, they may be re-exposed to exploitation or potential COVID-19 infections. Organizations that provide psychological assistance have similarly experienced a loss of funding that now prevents them from offering counselling to traumatized victims, and the shutdown of borders and lockdown of cities to curb the COVID-19 outbreak have prevented rescued victims from returning home. 

One survey has found that at least one-third of anti-trafficking organizations worldwide are struggling to repatriate survivors right now. Between 2019 and 2020, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which works with the Nigerian government to repatriate victims of trafficking, experienced a 91.14% drop in the number of individuals repatriated. While some organizations offer online counselling sessions and rehabilitation courses to help victims of trafficking reintegrate, many victims reside in less developed areas and have unequal or no access to the internet.

COVID-19 has strained the organizations combating trafficking and providing aid to victims. Consequently, these troubles may inadvertently increase trafficking as predators take advantage of the disorder to operate with less risk of detection. Recovery following repatriation also faces numerous obstacles as organizations are prevented from helping victims recover. Truly, our current pandemic has revealed the precariousness of institutions and organizations that provide assistance to those in need. We must rethink how we manage important issues like trafficking that are central to protecting our rights to life and liberty. Above all, we must ensure that when times get hard, our most vulnerable are not forgotten.  

To help solve this ongoing problem, set up a recurring donation to One Bread Foundation. At just $1 per month, you can help us reach our goal of recruiting 1 million supporters to raise awareness and funds for rehabilitation centers serving children rescued from sex trafficking in all 50 states. If possible, become a Legacy Partner by pledging $30 per month. Any assistance you offer may be of greater significance than you can possibly imagine. 

Sources and Further Reading

'COVID-19 crisis putting human trafficking victims at risk of further exploitation, experts warn' 

'COVID-19 lockdowns left Nigerian trafficking survivors stranded'

'The impact and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on trafficked and exploited persons' 

'Exacerbating modern slavery with a global health pandemic'

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime pandemic report

State of Georgia Implements Human Trafficking Task Force

By Chitara Ellis, Contributing Writer

Backed by the state’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Georgia has created a task force to counter human trafficking efforts within the state. Officially called the Georgia Human Trafficking Task Force, it takes a holistic and unified approach in its mission to “protect the citizens of Georgia from perpetrators and systems of sexual exploitation while concurrently working to support recovery of adult and CSEC (commercial sexual exploitation of children) victims to ensure they are ready for college, work, and a successful future.” 

According to a fact sheet released in 2013 from the Center for Public Policy Studies, 374 girls are sexually exploited per month in Georgia. In 2012, the center received over 400 calls from Georgia, over 100 of them being high risk. Typically, young girls are brought into the state’s sex trafficking market at 12 or 14 years old. These children often have a history of truancy and running away from home. 

A report published by the council in 2014 makes four recommendations to better serve victims within the state: 1) a more efficient way of collecting and tracking data on victims, 2) a more efficient way of identifying victims and availability of services to them, 3) collaboration across agencies in victim assistance training, and 4) educating and bringing awareness to communities about what makes a person a victim and the help that is available to them. 

The newly created task force appears to have taken note of these recommendations. The task force includes representatives from various levels of government, law enforcement and nongovernmental organizations, and they make their quarterly meetings open to the public. They have nine objectives, with nine work groups designated to meet each one: 1) community awareness and education, 2) youth awareness and safety, 3) deterring traffickers and buyers, 4) keeping at-risk youth safe, 5) apprehending, investigating and prosecuting traffickers and buyers, 6) examining underserved and/or previously identified victims, 7) protecting and supporting survivors, 8) helping survivors recover and thrive, and 9) examining domestic adult sex trafficking. 

The task force’s website portal offers training and educational resources to the public. One of the educational resources listed is a free training series created by Georgia Cares, a nonprofit that serves young victims statewide. The other available resource on the site is the task force’s Technical Assistance Resource Guide on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention, which was created by work group no. 2 of the task force and is designed for schools and youth programs. The third available resource listed is a downloadable Know the Signs flyer. 

One Bread Foundation, Inc. also offers resources to the public for engaging in the abolishment of child sex trafficking across the United States. Help raise awareness of this issue by sharing this article with your friends and family and subscribe to our newsletter for monthly updates and news straight to your inbox. To sign up, simply enter your email in the footer of any page on our website at

Dare to Share: Uncomfortable Conversations That Need to Be Had

By Elizabeth Gilreath, Contributing Writer

There’s a video going around of a beautiful, young actress speaking from behind a wooden podium with dainty flowers lining the wall behind her. On first glance, it looks like another glamorous award show acceptance speech. However, this woman is not giving a speech for best actress; she is using her voice at a luncheon for the 2017 Variety’s Power of Women event to shed light on the horrific reality of child pornography. Her name is Blake Lively, and although she is being honored at the event, she has turned all attention to this terrible issue that affects so many children around the world. Words often left unsaid pour through her mouth. The audience cannot unhear the painful things she says while holding back tears, and no one who hears her speech can claim ignorance about the realities of child pornography.

With one compelling question, Lively demands the attention of every person in the audience: What is the value of a single child’s life? With all eyes on her, she begins to talk about the sexual exploitation of children in the United States. She makes it clear that this is not an isolated issue only plaguing children overseas or in developing countries, but it is one happening in communities across our nation. Child exploitation can happen anywhere in the world because files and explicit media are transferred and downloaded through the web. 

As Lively details her journey learning about sexual exploitation and child pornography, she addresses the unavoidable elephant in the room: What exactly is child pornography? Although she was afraid of the answer, she knew she had to ask this difficult question. According to Lively, child pornography, more helpfully referred to by the Child Rescue Coalition as “child sexual abuse material,” can be nude or explicit images, videos or other materials, including of children having sexual acts performed on them. Based on this definition, child pornography involves anyone under the age of 18. Not only are teens included, but so are newborn babies—even with the umbilical cord still attached—toddlers and prepubescent individuals. According to a joint technical report by ECPAT and Interpol, more than 60% of unidentified victims included in retrieved child sexual abuse material were of prepubescent age, and about 4.3% were infants or toddlers. The same study states, “The younger the victim, the more severe the abuse was likely to be.”

Lively also mentions a ChildHelp statistic that states that 90% of children know their abusers. Child exploitation can happen while a child lives in their home, where someone could repeatedly record explicit media of them. In addition, Lively explains that some abusers will find jobs that give them easy access to children, jobs where parents trust the professionals and may be more apt to letting their guards down. A recent and well-known example is the case of Jeffrey Epstein’s involvement with child sex trafficking. He was unsuspecting: a wealthy American businessman who had connections to many major politicians, celebrities and powerful individuals. Like many abusers, he was hiding in plain sight.

Every day, 30–50 million files of child sexual abuse material are traded online. The Child Rescue Coalition states that up to 85% of abusers viewing child sexual abuse material online are also abusing children in person. As referenced in Lively’s video, only 10% of children speak up after they have been abused. Children may speak out years after the abuse or not at all. Often, they are afraid of not being believed or that their abuser will inflict more harm. In some cases, they may not have a trusted adult to confide in because the abuser is a family member.

Imagine what the audience looked like during Lively’s speech. Surely there were people uncomfortably squirming in their seats and others wondering why she had to ruin the mood with such a dreary topic. Perhaps some predators sat completely still and full of fear, knowing that their exploitation would no longer go unnoticed. Most importantly, there was hope for those in attendance who had been abused as children. Speaking up about these topics is uncomfortable, sure, but it’s also brave. It’s worth 10 minutes of awkward conversation or glares from those who do not approve. It’s worth rescuing a 5-year-old child who has been abused since she was 3 months old. It’s worth prosecuting an abusive doctor who has exploited many and was hoping to manipulate more. Thanks to Lively’s speech, the burden of responsibility can be shared among all who have heard her words. 

Will you dare to step out and have these difficult conversations? Change starts with awareness of the problem. There is hope for those being abused, fear for the abusers and justice for those who have been hurt. You don’t have to be a parent, family member or loved one of an abused child to notice the warning signs. A child can be abused by anyone, but they can also be helped by anyone. Whether or not a child is yours, their life matters and is invaluable. They matter to God, and they should matter to us. The Bible says in Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT), “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”

The Child Rescue Coalition is still fighting for the lives of exploited children. This organization is training investigators and offering law enforcement authorities free use of their child pornography screening program, which helps authorities track individuals who view explicit material. Just as the organization continues to fight for children, so can all people. Individuals can better support children by teaching adults and children alike about appropriate boundaries and personal space and how to tell an adult when boundaries are violated. They can also create a safe and welcoming environment for children to share sensitive information, advocate for children, learn the signs of sexual abuse in children and adults, keep their eyes and ears open to speak up when they notice something and hold on to hope for these children.

You can help child sex trafficking victims by sharing One Bread Foundation’s mission and cause with your family and friends. If you are not already signed up to receive our monthly newsletter, please do so for yourself and others in the footer of any page of our website at There are so many children who need our help. Let’s accomplish this mission together.

Sources and Further Reading

Blake Lively's 2017 speech at Variety's Power of Women event

'Child abuse statistics & facts' 

Interpol's International Child Sexual Exploitation database

'It's not child pornography, it's child sexual abuse material'

'Warning signs of possible sexual abuse in a child's behaviors'

Could This Invention Be the Key to Reducing Sex Trafficking?

By Brishti Mondal, Contributing Writer

Technology is always like that: people are against it, people are for it. But eventually, if you develop Technology in the right way, you’ll always have many benefits for people.
— Dr. David Levy

Have you ever wondered what drives people to become consumers of the sex trade? There are many reasons: loneliness, unattended desires or even nymphomania can drive someone to a brothel and to sex workers. But the sex work industry doesn't care about these reasons; its main concerns are creating profit and fulfilling demand. This is what drives human trafficking of adults and children alike.

Since the inception of human trafficking, which makes billions in profits each year and is spread across the entire globe, people have been trying to shut it down. Recently, engineers and scientists have tested the idea of sex dolls as a substitute for humans in the sex work industry to curb illegal trafficking. Sex dolls are human-like silicone dolls used to fulfill sexual desires—some even utilize artificial intelligence to simulate actual human characteristics. 

Sergi Santos, a Spanish scientist who pioneered the idea of sex dolls implanted with AI, thinks that his business may help influence consumer behavior away from the sex trade. In an interview with Reuters, Santos explains, “Should you be trafficking humans? I think it's obvious—no. So what we should do is stop that, and make people spend the money on the doll.”

As technology advances, brothels in global cities will be staffed by robot prostitutes, claims AI researcher David Levy in his 2007 book "Love and Sex With Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships." Levy believes that the cost of sex robots will drop to become more cost-effective than paying for a sex worker. "The advent of sex robots will probably reduce the popularity of having sex with a sex worker. And if it's going to have that effect, it will also reduce sex trafficking," Levy said in the same interview with Reuters.

In 2018, a sex robot brothel funded by taxpayers opened in a popular red-light district of Amsterdam. The owners of the brothel believe that sex dolls replacing sex workers in brothels will eventually reduce illegal trafficking, while also keeping the market open for sex workers who want to work in the industry willingly. Editor’s Note: Dutch officials have a strict policy of not allowing the production of childlike dolls.

But the arrival of sex robots has stirred up conflicting opinions. Inventors like Santos believe they can help stem the sex trade, while others believe they normalize rape culture. No matter where you stand on the issue, you can help child sex trafficking victims by sharing One Bread Foundation's mission and cause. Please forward this blog to your friends and family members and encourage them to subscribe to our newsletter at for more updates, news and ways to help children and young adults rescued from sex trafficking. 

Sources and Further Reading

1. The truth behind who really buys sex dolls, from the man who makes the most realistic ones you can buy

2.   Sex robots: anti-sex-trafficking aid, or just perverted?

3.   How dolls could help prevent child sexual abuse

4.   First Amsterdam sex doll brothel opens its doors

5.   Sex robots: perverted or practical in fight against sex trafficking?

Hidden Crime Within the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Katie Sreniawski, Contributing Writer

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives dramatically. From school and job closures to travel restrictions and event cancelations, 2020 has been challenging and unprecedented. As we emerge from dealing with our individual situations and inconveniences, it's essential to recognize how the pandemic has affected sex trafficking victims.

Imagine the scenario of a young child named Sarah. She lives in an abusive low-income household. As soon as Sarah's school shut down due to COVID-19 precautions, she lost her only connection to teachers and counselors who offered valuable support and escape from abuse. Meanwhile, her guaranteed breakfast and lunch at school are no longer available, so she has to go days without food. Sarah is verbally and physically abused by her parents and goes to bed hungry, wishing for an escape.

Sex traffickers see someone like Sarah as an opportunity. They recognize the signs and approach her online or in person to exploit her vulnerability. Once offered an escape from her desperate situation, Sarah will likely be well hidden by her abusers, and any chance of being rescued is drastically lessened thanks to recent restrictions and lockdowns.

Virus precautions are driving a reduction in various investigative units and social services. This makes it easier to hide criminal activity and overall detection of sex trafficking. A policy brief written by Livia Wagner and Thi Hoang of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime says, "Given the confinement measures and economic hardships that the coronavirus pandemic has brought about, some trafficking forms – most notably those involving the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the exploitation of those in domestic servitude – are reportedly increasing." Furthermore, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime also reports, "[Non-governmental organizations] have been dramatically limited in their anti-trafficking response, including canceling victim rescue missions, shelters, in-person counseling, and legal-assistance services." 

Additionally, former victims of sex trafficking may be struggling during the pandemic with  income inequality, housing and safety instability. These factors could drive them to return to their abuser out of desperation. As described by Hannah Stein from Artworks for Freedom, "Trafficking survivors are at risk not only for exposure to the virus but also for revictimization. Social distancing may be triggering for trafficking survivors, as such conditions could imitate feelings of isolation, loss of control, unpredictability, and fear that they likely felt in captivity."

In this challenging time, we must take action to help reduce the advantages that sex traffickers are finding in the COVID-19 pandemic. In a report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that lists various responses to this crisis, experts suggest offering education through online courses, supporting anti-trafficking organizations by providing their personnel with protective equipment and masks, facilitating cross-border cooperation and providing grants to help victims who need more support during the pandemic. 

In addition to the steps mentioned above, you can play a critical role in the rehabilitation of child sex trafficking victims by donating to One Bread Foundation. If you're able, set up a recurring donation for as little as $1 per month to help us reach our goal of recruiting 1 million supporters to raise awareness and funds for rehabilitation centers serving children rescued from sex trafficking in all 50 states.

As we move forward with the "new normal" of this pandemic and the changes it brings, we must not forget the most vulnerable populations who may fall victim to sex trafficking. We must look out for one another and continue to fight for those who are being held captive and exploited against their will.

Sources and Further Reading

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Artworks for Freedom

Sex Trafficking and the Perils of Privacy Invasion

by Cheryl Vaca

Technology has helped position the sex trafficking industry as a lucrative market since the first sex website launched online in 1994. Since then, the online sex trafficking industry has grown, offering more options for buying and selling people into sex slavery and a smorgasbord of illicit, sexual services to clients all over the globe. The process is simple and streamlined with its transactions, leaving those involved virtually untraceable. Sex traffickers can easily generate revenue by posting services and enticing clients with a variety of digital content to meet specific requests—all at the expense and damage of those involuntarily expected to perform. 

The Online Market for Traffickers

Conducting business online is a quick way to manage trafficking with less of a chance of being caught. It’s the ideal marketing playground for sex; sellers can reach specific target audiences with online advertising, and buyers can search for sexual services as a match for their needs. For sellers, posting online sex trafficking ads is an inexpensive way to find women and children to be bought and sold for sex services. For buyers, it is impossible to distinguish between online ads offering services they seek and those which involve unwilling trafficked women and children as participants. Exploding with an exploitation of minors, 100,000 websites exist that are dedicated to child pornography. In addition to advertising minors for sex,, which has since been shut down, was netting $150 million in revenue per year from adult service ads and was the source of 73% of child trafficking cases (Equality Now, 2020). Craigslist also ranks high as a way for online sex traffickers to remain anonymous while soliciting business. Fortunately, as sites use more advanced methods of artificial intelligence and laws are enforced, online advertisements have a greater chance of being detected and removed.

Footage and Footprints of Live-Streamed Sessions

Responding to ads posted online, buyers find sellers online who offer live-streamed sessions. Chat sessions using webcams are used to build a virtual relationship between the performer and client. An online relationship is established, enticing continual business with promises of eventually meeting the person. Victims who are exploited are forced to be on camera to put on a “show,” which brings in $20–$150 on average to the seller. Even children are offered a small amount of money to be part of nightly “shows” (International Observatory Human Rights, 2019). Buyers search online for children within a certain age range or who have a certain appearance. The seller provides live footage for them to view based on what they are looking for. Sex trafficking is a global issue, but in the United States alone, 21% of those who are victim to sex exploitation are children, with 63% of videos containing children under the age of 8 years old (Nuix, 2019). The ease of digital platforms has opened up ways for online advertising, marketing and communication to help bring in more sales and deliver content to buyers.

The Dangers of Other Online Sexual Content

Feeding addictions, curiosity and loneliness, cybersex trafficking provides sexual content and views to buyers for their visual pleasure, satiating their sexual perversions. Women and children who are used as slaves for the business are exploited, forced to engage in cybersex activities out of fear of abuse or other threats by sex traffickers. Online content and interactions include chat sessions, photos, recorded videos, live-streamed webcam videos and sex camming, where the buyer is watching in real time and can request performances (Fight the New Drug, 2019). Selling sexual content can be highly profitable for sellers. It is not unusual for a live sex video to bring in $400 in 45 minutes. The victims, while of high value to the sellers, are treated as worthless. Young women who have been coerced into this sex business seldom receive money for sexual services but are used for traffickers to make money received by clients. Many are beaten if they do not cooperate and some are forced to have sex 20–48 times per day (Trafficked No More). Sex trafficking is a global concern as the internet is used to transfer sexual content worldwide.

A Focus on Sex Camming and Trafficking Using Remote Drones

Another method for traffickers is using unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, to record live video of involuntary victims (Brookings, 2014). Thanks to aerial surveillance and remote applications, the target is able to be accessed live from anywhere. Even indoors within their own home, victims’ privacy is compromised while showering, undressing, using the toilet, having sex or just existing, and the feed is streamed in full color with the ability for buyers to hear and speak to the victim. There is a limitless range to the accessibility of victims because they can be reached in any building and even outdoors in tents or at parks—anywhere electricity can be conducted, even through poles or trees. Friends or family members select the victim as the target without the victim’s permission. Additional recorded views are available online for purchase. Likewise, infrared technology offers buyers the ability to “X-ray” the victim remotely to see through their clothing (MaxMax), sexually assault them via lasers and view them indoors, eliminating any sense of privacy (Popular Science, 2013). This form of sexual exploitation is nearly impossible to trace, and anyone can be made victim to this pervasive surveillance—anywhere and at any time—all for the benefit of those who have a device to invade others’ privacy for income and views. Although legislation is passed regulating the use of drones by the government, the general public being able to use drones as a means for trafficking is a concern that is overlooked.

Aperture With Legislation and Restrictions 

In 2017, the government began to place a greater emphasis on online sex trafficking by passing the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). This marked significant progress in establishing legislation for social networks, causing them to have a greater responsibility to censor content posted and sex trafficking advertisements. Victims can find hope for justice as social network providers face tighter restrictions and heightened accountability.


Brookings. McNeal, G. (2014, November). Drones and aerial surveillance: Considerations for legislatures. Retrieved from

Equality Now. (2020). Human Trafficking & Online Prostitution Advertising. Retrieved from

Equality Now. (2020). Interrupting the Vicious Cycle of Online Sex Trafficking. Retrieved from

Fight the New Drug. (2019, April 11). Uncovering the Dark World of Trafficking in the Webcamming Industry. Retrieved from

International Observatory Human Rights. Allen, C. (2019, March 7). The Role of the Internet on Sex Trafficking. Retrieved from

MaxMax. – Llewelly Data Processing. Retrieved from

Nuix. (2019, July 16). Pogue, C. Continuing the Fight Against Cybersex Trafficking. Retrieved from

Popular Science. (2013, June 28). Cheap Handheld Device Lets You See Through Walls. Retrieved from

Trafficked No More. Sex Trafficking States. Retrieved from

The Dark Corners of Our Community

by Lauren Petersen

As a high school student I never really worry about falling victim to sex trafficking, or about sex trafficking in general, but shouldn’t I? To many, it seems very far-fetched for something like this to actually happen, to them. This occurs ‘only in the movies’ right? I’m a fifteen year old girl and this leaves me highly vulnerable to fall victim to this terrible network of crimes. Yet I am unaffected, by the worries that should be on my mind. Sex trafficking often occurs in plain sight. How does it happen without anyone even questioning it? Usually, we like to think, it’s the refugees or the homeless people who are the victims of these crimes. They are easy targets as they are less likely to be noticed as missing than a regular, registered American citizen. Similarly, many teen girls are manipulated, ultimately leading to them getting enslaved. Mary Rose Somarriba, a writer at Grotto, an informational site, tells us “Traffickers, otherwise known as pimps, target vulnerable girls who appear to have little support structure, befriend them, gain their trust, and then invite them to join them on an adventure.” [1] Traffickers target girls who are easily manipulated and lure them into a trap. Only after the so called adventure ends, do the girls realize, that they are in deep trouble. By then it is too late. It is not uncommon that males are also targets of this atrocious crime, but females are more commonly enslaved.

Sex trafficking networks hide in dark corners that are tucked away in plain sight. In our day and time, technology has greatly advanced, which also unfortunately creates more opportunities for traffickers to lure in their victims. As they target young minds that are susceptible, they remain invisible to the outside community. The young minds that are targeted are preoccupied with their new ‘friend’ to notice anything wrong. They keep this relationship secret, restricting anyone else’s ability to realize the danger. Traffickers also draw in refugees and homeless people, promising them help, a better life, or just simply drugs and/or alcohol and no one notices because of common stereotyping. They are often times misunderstood to be drug addicts and alcoholics. So generally, if people notice they are missing, they simply assume they overdosed, or something similar and brush it off their shoulder. Lastly, if someone were to pick up on the dangers happening right under their nose, they would most likely be too scared to believe it is true, and once again push it to the back of their mind because of how unlikely it appears to ever happen to them or their dear ones.

Works Cited

[1] Somarriba, Mary Rose. “Sex Trafficking Is Modern Slavery Hiding In Plain Sight.” Grotto

Network, 30 July 2019,


Life As We ( Don’t ) Know It

By Shahzeen Humayun

Growing up, I never really understood what human trafficking was, let alone child trafficking. It was when I had begun watching Lifetime movies about the subject and more significantly, the movie Taken back in 2008, when I was sensible enough to understand the gravity of the sick epidemic which affects every country in the world. The thought that humans are used as commodities and traded for the purpose of forced labor, sex slavery, or other forms of commercial exploitation was totally foreign and repulsive. I thought to myself, “How on earth does something like this exist in this day and age, and how on earth did this even begin?” As I started spinning my wheels, I came to the conclusion that the main root causes of child trafficking were the following:

A.    From the perspective of transporters, traffickers, strip club/brothel owners and powerful stakeholders of the prostitution industry, the primary objective is to make money.

B.    From the perspective of poor, struggling families who need living wages, the primary goal is to meet basic needs from the earnings of the child victims, whether that be via forced child labor in sweatshops, construction sites, or in houses as domestic servants.

C.   From the perspective of the victim who is either forced into the sex trafficking either deceptively or forcefully, I believe that the victim is too afraid, vulnerable, and traumatized to seek help or escape the vicious cycle of sex trafficking and prostitution. In fact, in many cases, the victims are physically and mentally tortured and threatened in case they plan to escape.

The federal definition of sex trafficking per the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, 22 U.S.C. 7102(10) is the following: “…the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” Furthermore, the federal definition of child sex trafficking includes any child who is bought for sex, regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion was used, regardless of whether a buyer exploited the youth without the trafficker’s involvement, and regardless of whether the victim identities a trafficker. Accordingly, all commercially sexually exploited children are identified as victims of sex trafficking under federal law.

Every child deserves to live out his or her youth without having the awful thought of being traded, abducted, or bought and sold for sex.  However, multiple studies show that children between the ages of 14-16 are most likely to fall into the net of sex trafficking. Social media is one hub which makes it easier for pimps to find numerous underage child victims and reel them into child trafficking and prostitution. However, places like bars, clubs, public places, and even schools are also targeted venues. In the initial luring stages, the trafficker commonly crafts ways to establish a relationship with the victim in an effort to connect emotionally and to gauge the victim’s vulnerabilities before psychologically convincing the victim to emotionally and mentally depend solely on the trafficker. The consequence of these mind games is the trafficker holding complete control of the victim. Although this a common technique traffickers utilize, there are many cases in which the child is blatantly abducted and unscrupulously tossed into forced sex labor.

To this day, I continue to struggle with the idea that it took years for me to really know what human trafficking is and how it is built on the very economic principle I learned in 7th grade: the concept of supply and demand. How unfortunate are the children who have been displaced from their families because they were not able to choose for themselves? Rather, they were forcefully told what their future will look like.   As a human being, the thought of exploiting children for personal gains is repulsive. Are we not allowed to live our lives with our own free will? Is that not the birth right every human being is born with – the right to choose? 99% of the buyers in the booming sex trafficking industry are male and the supply of child sex victims continues to skyrocket to meet the growing demand for commercial sex with minors. It is an uphill battle to tackle the issue and I am not expecting a one-stop solution which will make the ugly truth of child trafficking go away overnight. However, the first step is to acknowledge that child trafficking is truly a horrendous matter which is affecting the world we are raising so many children in. Child trafficking is not confined to a specific country or type of person. Anyone can be trafficked, regardless of race, class, education level, gender, age or citizenship. Cases of human trafficking have been reported in every state of the United States of America, and in almost every country in the world.

My opinion is that the fault never lies with the child, as children are vulnerable, impressionable, and malleable. Therefore, it is imperative to know what child trafficking is, what it looks like, and how to spot sex trafficking. For that to occur, we must educate ourselves and the people around us about trafficking. We must protect all children from being sucked into all forms of child trafficking. That’s why I urge all of you to do the right thing. Spread awareness. Educate yourself and others. To learn more about how you can support our cause, please donate or volunteer to One Bread. 100% of the proceeds One Bread earns from its affiliate programs goes directly toward the rehabilitation of children rescued from sex trafficking. To learn more please visit:




1.    Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005,

2.    “Human Trafficking by the Numbers.” The University of Texas at Austin, December 2016,

3.    “Bill to toughen child sex trafficking”, By Holly Ramer Associated Press, February 7, 2019,


About the Author:

Shahzeen Humayun graduated from Modesto Christian High School, then went on to UC Berkeley to pursue a B.S. in Environmental Economics & Policy and minor in Peace & Conflict Studies. Currently, she works in the Financial Services industry at a bank in San Francisco, but her passion is to serve people. She has years of experience volunteering with nonprofits and charitable organizations such as Homeless Prenatal in San Francisco and BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency) in Berkeley, CA. Shahzeen is passionate about standing up for the marginalized, homeless, and the helpless. Her goal is to advocate for underprivileged children by helping them find a voice. 

In 2018, Shahzeen founded the nonprofit organization, Help Global, which focuses on providing homeless and low income children with basic necessities and to promote education in underprivileged and underserved communities. Currently, she is in the process of connecting with key stakeholders in USA and across Pakistan to carry out outreach projects in the remote areas of Pakistan, geared at helping homeless children. Shahzeen is determined to play her part in giving back to the world and helping others reach their fullest potential and succeed both professionally and personally. 

A resident of Dublin, California, Shahzeen resides in the East Bay with her husband and two children. 

Human Trafficking: A Global Problem In Need of Community Based Solutions

by Adrienne Tung

From the city streets of Glasgow to the beautiful beaches of South America, to the spice-scented markets of India – what do all of these places have in common? Innocent people are being bought, sold, and forced into servitude every day. 

Shocked and deeply disturbed, I wondered: Does this global issue  really exist in the same world where self-driving cars are becoming a thing and homes can now be powered with energy gleaned from the sun (like Superman)? It would seem that at a time when humankind is achieving extraordinary feats of science, it is  also seeing extraordinary levels of human exploitation. The International Justice Mission estimates there are roughly 40 million slaves world-wide. Yes, you heard that right. 

Often called the modern-day slave trade, human trafficking is the second most lucrative criminal business in the world after drugs.  It’s an illegal, multibillion-dollar global industry hiding right under our noses. It spans the globe, damaging society in impoverished nations to middle-class suburbs. Some law enforcement agents in the United States believe that criminals are shifting to human trafficking because it is much easier to coerce a victim into lying (with threats of violence to them and/or their families) if stopped by authorities than it is to hide illegal substances. For a trafficker, that’s an easy get-out-of-jail-free card compared to automatic minimal sentences if caught with narcotics. 

In a global study mandated by the General Assembly of the United Nations, victims of human trafficking came from 137 countries, including those from North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia. The majority of victims are women and children, making up 79% of all victims.  According to the study, nthe sex trade remains the most common form of exploitation, with forced labor being the second most common form. 

So what kinds of people are involved in this highly organized, multibillion-dollar criminal enterprise?  The same study found that traffickers and victims often share the same background. They come from the same countries, speak the same language, or have the same ethnicity. While traffickers are overwhelmingly male, women actually make up a relatively large share of offenders when compared to most other crimes. Approximately 60% are male and 40% are female among convicted traffickers. Having the same gender as the victim can help foster trust, and for this reason, female traffickers are often involved in trafficking other women and girls. Traffickers often pose as a boyfriend, trick victims with an offer of marriage or a job, have a familial tie to the victim, or pose as a benefactor. 

The fact is, this modern-day slave trade is no longer a problem relegated to impoverished countries, although it is indisputable that poverty-stricken communities are among the most vulnerable worldwide. Here in the United States, human trafficking occurs in all 50 states,t California, Texas, and Florida having the highest number of reported cases.  In fact, human trafficking in the form of sexual exploitation (as opposed to non-sex related forced labor) far exceeds global statistics with over 80% of trafficking cases in the United States related to sexual exploitation  compared to the global rate of  59% as reported in the 2016 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Moreover, 83% of sex trafficking victims in the United States are from the United States. 

Even Silicon Valley, home of tech titans like Google, Apple, and Facebook, is not immune to one of the worst types of human-rights violations. From Santa Clara to San Francisco, the Bay Area also has its share of victims. In response to this growing problem, the late Mayor Edwin Lee launched a  Mayor’s Task Force on Anti-Human Trafficking in March 2013 for San Francisco. In the East Bay, The Office of The District Attorney for Alameda County has created a program called H.E.A.T. Watch to combat human trafficking. At One Bread Foundation, based in San Ramon, California, founders, staff, and volunteers hope to make a difference by raising awareness and funds, which are donated to organizations like Claire’s House and Destiny's Rescue, which provide direct shelter and services to children rescued from exploitation. 

Child victims are perhaps among the most tragic and heart-breaking of cases, the trauma they’ve endured often resulting in lifelong emotional and psychological wounds. One Bread Foundation focuses on helping child victims of sex-trafficking to provide hope for a better tomorrow. With their One In A Million campaign, just $1 a month can help save a life. 

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” So, what can you do in the face of such enormity, in such a vast sea of darkness? 

You can be the light that helps others see. You can be one in a million.









Do You See Me?


“One Venti Soy Mocha for Sasha!”

I opened my eyes, pulling myself out of the Panic! at the Disco trance I had been deliriously floating in for the past twenty minutes waiting for my Starbucks drink. Pulling one of my earbuds out, I could fully register the airport bustle—people chatting about how excited they were to go to New York for winter break, others playfully joking about how much they had filled every inch of their suitcase for a three day trip. 

Smiles everywhere, including the one I had plastered on my face as I got my still-hot drink, grateful for the warmth and the delicious dose of caffeine coming my way. Winter technically only started two days ago but the weather outside was already bringing in throngs of people flushed and red-nosed. 

I pulled out my flight ticket—a one way trip to Malaysia to teach. Something I always wanted, I thought, biting my lip. To help. And I was a flight away from doing that—

Suddenly, I was on the ground. I looked up, annoyed, at the person who interrupted my inner pep talk. 

It was a tall, burly man with sharp, menacing incisors poking out of his scowl. 

“Watch where you’re going,” he growled. 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I said, in an effort to be polite, despite the fact that I was standing still against a wall. 

That’s when I noticed a young girl so hidden behind Mr. Incisors that I would’ve missed her were it not for her odd clothing. She was obviously not wearing enough to keep her warm and protected against the tremendous cold outside. All she had on was a worn hoodie and pants that would’ve been perfect for summer. Her boots were about three sizes too big and showcased several miserable holes in them. She looked to be around twelve years old. 

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked the girl.

Instead of answering, she avoided eye contact and looked down at her feet. I followed her gaze and gasped in surprise. Bruises, bruises, bruises—all over her legs. 

“She’s fine. Leave us alone,” the man said gruffly on her behalf, shuffling her away. 

They left me speechless. What just happened? I glanced in their direction, making sure to do it somewhat inconspicuously. Something’s not right. Maybe he’s her dad? How did she get those bruises? Questions flooded my mind and nothing could relieve them. I sat for a while, debating if I should notify airport security. I mean, it’s none of my business, right? What if she got the bruises from playing soccer and I’m overthinking this? Still, the feeling in my stomach never settled and my coffee got cold. 

I half-hoped I would never see them again. But as I walked towards the line for baggage check, I spied the same hoodie holding hands with the man. He moved to heave his enormous bag onto the conveyor belt, turning his back on the girl. In an unconscious move, the girl pushed her sleeves up.

I froze.

It was a tattoo. Bar code, with ‘DADDY’ inked above it in a cursive scrawl. 

My head was ringing with the warning signs. The signs I learned from a college seminar so many years ago. The signs for human trafficking. Could it be? I looked around to see if anyone saw the inappropriate tattoo on the young girl’s arm. No one seemed to. 

“I don’t have anything that is worth searching my bag for!” 

The saber-toothed man was standing on the opposite side of the metal detector, yelling at a member of airport security who was inspecting his bag. The crowd of travellers was fixated on this very strange man causing a scene but I headed straight for the girl, now alone on my side of the metal detector. Her bare toes were resting on the grey-speckled airport floor after removing her shoes. Seeing this gave me a surge of courage. 

“Hey, what’s your name?” I asked in a gentle voice.


“Who is that man that’s with you?” I prodded, more firmly this time.

Her brown eyes were darting around me, probably trying to locate the man. She looked anxious and fidgety.

“He is my employer… He is taking care of me. I am safe,” she replied, as if rehearsing lines out of a script. 

“Where are you guys travelling to? And what for?” I asked.

“I… do not know. He says that he will give me a new job, a new life,” she squeaked.

“And do you have your passport on you? Or maybe a boarding pass?” I continued.

She shook her small head. More fidgeting. And pointed at the man. I looked towards his direction and saw that he was coming straight at us with a sharp glint in his eye. He yanked the girl’s sleeve down and grabbed her arm. The way he was holding it and the way she flinched told me that this kind of behaviour was frequent—even normal. 

“What are you doing? I told you already to leave us alone and stop bothering us. I am her father,” the man said—a threat already positioned in his tone. 

Before he could say anymore, the large silver clock caught his eye and with a dirty look thrown my way, he roughly towed the girl away from the scene. The man was saying something under his breath to the girl; she turned white. Something nagged at me, fuelling a constant stream of unease. It was only after I walked to the one side of the airport that I realized what it was.

Father. He said he was her father. But she said the man was her employer.

I thought about it all: the conflicting information, rehearsed lines, the tattoo, her anxiety and refusal to meet my eye, not having her own passport, not knowing where they were flying to, improper clothes, the bruises—oh those heart-breaking bruises… I didn’t want to admit it but everything added up with increasing certainty. She was a victim of human trafficking. 

But, what was I supposed to do? 

Well, I was supposed to be having a peaceful flight to Malaysia. 

To help people. 

“This is the final boarding call for flight FX1032 to Malaysia,” came over the airport intercom.

I made my decision, I sprinted to the general direction of the departure gates. They weren’t there. I looked at the bathrooms, the busy restaurants, but they were nowhere to be found. Dripping sweat and heart racing, I was circling every part of the airport with my carry-on in tow when—

“Will passenger Sasha Russo of flight FX1032 please make their way to Gate A2?” 

My flight was leaving. But I still couldn’t find the brown-eyed girl. In desperation, I went back to my gate. I didn’t want to miss my flight, I had saved up for this trip for so long. I worked three jobs at once and all three merely paying the minimum wage. I couldn’t give that all up. I just couldn’t. Before I went past the gate, I looked back once, just once. 

And I saw them. 

They had their backs to me this time. She had her arm around him in hug. Maybe he was her dad and she was just confused like little girls are. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions before. Maybe it is none of my business. Maybe I was wrong. All the maybes forced my thoughts into a whirlpool, swirling and swirling until it slowed down and came to a stop. That hug was what I needed to convince myself to do what I did.

I misinterpreted what I thought were signs. 

 They got their boarding passes checked.

She’s safe.

I lost sight of the man and the young girl, and I let her go.


That was all five years ago. 

I left Malaysia after three years of teaching. I loved the kids there, all bright and full of spirit. I taught them English and Math every day, barefoot in a shambling building of a rural village, where they listened from their seats behind aged wooden desks. But every time all those brown eyes peered up at me with a certain sense that they had seen too much for their age, I thought about a similar set of eyes on a young girl at an airport years ago. 

And how I failed her. 

I let the detail of a hug completely mislead me and my judgement. Later, I found out that if I was more educated on the issue, I could’ve recognized that as trauma bonding with her trafficker. Hell, I could’ve told someone, anyone. I was blinded and selfish and ignorant and irresponsible. 

I never knew what became of her but I do know that I was in the best possible position to help—and I didn’t. The warning signs were crystal clear; I was aware of what was happening but I was too scared to fully accept it at the time. I allowed an excuse to decide the fate of a girl who needed my help, despite knowing deep in my gut that she was in trouble. The worst thing was, I think I was looking for an excuse.

So now, I do my best to help other people avoid my mistakes. I currently work with an advocacy group against human trafficking, and in particular, child trafficking. As I live day-by-day educating people on the warning signs of a victim of human trafficking, I tell them about that girl. How I was her best shot at freedom. How we are all their best shots at a future. 

And how we should not let them down. 


Author’s Note

This piece of fiction highlights some very real and life-saving facts on how to identify a victim of human trafficking. The context of the story follows the setting of an airport, however, it is salient to note that these indicators may occur in any situation such as a hair salon or a restaurant. 

Here is the list of indicators of human trafficking mentioned in the story.

  1. Is not wearing appropriate clothing for the weather

  2. Possesses signs of physical abuse such as cuts and bruises

  3. Has a tattoo that says ‘DADDY’ or other forms of branding

  4. Demonstrates fearful or nervous behavior or avoids eye contact

  5. Withdrawn; become emotionally numb, detached, and disassociated from the physical and psychological trauma and display “flat affect”

  6. Displays symptoms of anxiety

  7. Story is rehearsed and contradictory

  8. Is unaware of destination or flight information

  9. Is not in possession of over personal or travel documents (passport/boarding pass)

  10. Experiences “trauma bonding” with the trafficker, positively identifying with the trafficker and believing that, despite repeated abuse, the trafficker is a loving boyfriend, spouse, or parent.


This is by no means an exhaustive list. However, if you do recognize these signs and believe that someone is a victim of human trafficking, you can help. If the situation becomes urgent and immediate assistance is necessary, call local law enforcement by dialling 911. 

You may also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline, a national 24-hour, toll-free, multilingual anti-trafficking hotline at 1-888-373-7888 to report a tip or connect to nearby anti-trafficking services.


“Human Trafficking at Airports: 7 Warning Signs.” CNN, Cable News Network, 5 Aug. 2015,


“Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking: What to Look for in a Healthcare Setting.” National Human Trafficking Resource Center.


About the Author

Cassandra Chia is majoring in English at the University of Iowa with a minor in Theatre Arts and a concentration in Publishing. In line with her passions of writing, editing and marketing, she has taken up leadership roles such as Head Editor of her high school’s yearbook committee and President of Grapevine, a mass communications student organization. Having recently moved to the U.S. from Malaysia, she has experienced the wonder of Olive Garden’s endless breadsticks, the bitter cold of winter, and the concept of drinking water from the sink. On a side note, Cassandra enjoys reading, cooking, acting and being a part of a community. She supports the work of One Bread and firmly believes in the importance of raising awareness on the atrocities of human trafficking.

Four Things You Can Do To Help


By definition, a sex trafficking victim is a person suffering extreme distress in a relationship that is exploitive. What happens when the victim is part of a vulnerable and susceptible group such as children? Crimes include trafficking for sexual purposes, prostitution, sex tourism, early marriage, pornography, stripping, and many others. (1)

We say children are the future, but they won't be able to create a better, safer future for everyone if their present isn't safe. Human trafficking is reported to be an issue and have victims in as many as 158 countries, (2) 28% of the victims being kids. (3)

These figures are truly heartbreaking, and trafficked youth needs us - to raise our voices, to speak up on their behalf, to educate ourselves and the people around us. 

By doing so, we raise awareness on the matter and make it easier for victims to speak up and ask for help.

A lot of kids in the horrible world of sex trafficking don't even consider themselves victims, which means they don't seek for help immediately. One of the reasons is that they blame themselves for what has happened to them. Another one is not being able to fully trust the police or the people around them because of the way sex traffickers try to brainwash children, women, etc.

Here are four things you can do to help.

1. Be aware

Youth are prone to manipulation, seeing as their personalities are still forming and their experiences limited. Talking about abuse, be it with them or with your friends, family, and coworkers makes it easier for children and all of us to become aware of early signs of child sex trafficking. Similarly, we'll be more inclined to speak up when we notice them, and thus, do something about it. Prevention is the best cure.

2. Create safe spaces

By providing a non-judgmental safe space for children, encouraging them to talk about their issues and thoughts, you might be saving a life (or five). Try to get to know the kids in your area or school. Their trust may be broken by their exploiters, so having a group or even just a single person they know they can rely on makes a world of difference. 

3. Recognize risk factors

Recognizing youth at risk is quite important, and some of the risk factors include: homelessness/runaway kids; prior history of abuse; having mental health issues; and being LGBTQIA. (4) Children in these high-risk groups are more prone to being abused, so being extra attentive to children in these situations and providing more guidance and help with what we can with them would prove to be a smart choice.

4. Support the cause

The more of us fight, the safer children everywhere in the world will be. You can join organizations, donate, or volunteer for a local center caring for sexually abused children. 100% of the funds we earn from affiliate programs goes directly to the rehabilitation of children rescued from sex trafficking. How can you help us with this? It's simple, by shopping through our link at Amazon, Goodshop or Groupon. Get your shopping fix on while supporting a cause you believe on, all with a click.

We at One Bread Foundation and the children thank you for everything you're doing.


1. Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2013. Pg. 2. Retrieved from Accessed December 2017.

2. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2016. Vienna, Austria: UNODC; 2016. Pg. 12. Retrieved from Accessed December 2017.

3. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2016. Vienna, Austria: UNODC; 2016. Pg. 6. Retrieved from Accessed December 2017.

4. Polaris Project. Sex Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at U.S. Citizen Victims. Pg. 4. Retrieved from Accessed December 2017.


Delfina Hoxha is a psychology graduate writer speaking up about mental health, feminism, self-love, human rights, meditation, and body positivity, among other topics. She believes mental health is the new black and wants to live in a world where everyone is kind and true, to themselves and others.

What A Nightmare…


As the newest staff member of One Bread Foundation, I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself.

I am one of those people who loves "lingo" and enjoys finding creative ways to express the basics. My best friend is actually known for making hyperbole into an art form, and I am not far behind her in that regard. Over the past few years, I've realized that there are some exaggerations that are maybe not the best to use, simply because words are powerful in shaping our thoughts. For example, I've been trying to train my children, ages 9 and 7, not to say "I'm starving" but rather to say "I'm very hungry" because they know nothing of actual starvation. They likely learned the phrase from me, and I'm working to change the way I speak about things to match the truth of the situation.

Since joining One Bread, I've started feeling convicted about another phrase that rolls off my tongue easily and often, namely my habit of referring to an unfortunate event as "a nightmare." In reality, my not being able to find a spot in the Trader Joe's parking lot when I only have fifteen minutes to run in before picking my kids up from school is not a nightmare. Looking in the mirror after a long conversation with someone at the hole-in-the-wall taco bar and finding that I had cilantro in my teeth is not a nightmare. Children who are held in captivity - whether the chains that hold them are literal or psychological - and forced to perform acts that no child should ever be exposed to, let alone participating in... THAT is a nightmare.

I am connected to One Bread Foundation for likely the same reasons that you are reading this blog post. We all want to see justice on the earth. We want to see children living in safety and freedom. We can't fix this nightmare overnight, but we can do SOMETHING. Let's do something. Let's do something together.

The Events page of our website lists upcoming community awareness events sponsored by One Bread Foundation. Each one is an opportunity to educate ourselves and raise money while connecting with like-minded people who want to see a different future for children who desperately need our help. Will you please put these dates on your calendar and plan to join us there?

Free the Chained


What joys in your life are you grateful for? Have they been given to you or did you have to earn them? Do you recognize the freedom you have to pursue joy in the first place? Imagine something for a minute if you can. Imagine a life where you are forced to work for almost no pay (or no pay at all) in a place where you cannot wear a clean comfortable uniform, you are drugged constantly in order to perform your duties, and if you try to quit your job your family is at risk of being killed. Most of us can’t really wrap our minds around this kind of existence. I hear a lot of people complain about their jobs, but if any of the conditions applied to a typical establishment, this would probably be a national outrage. It exists today however. These are just some of the horrors that real people face in underworld of human trafficking. Human trafficking is proliferating around the globe. Most people probably think they are unaffected by this new kind of slavery, but we cannot completely disconnect ourselves from it. It even occurs in our local communities.Weneed to be the pliers to break the chains of slavery today.

Maybe you have heard about human trafficking in the past. Maybe you think this is just another irrelevant message about an issue you don’t feel you can combat. Many people, whether out of ignorance or apathy, falsely believe that the dark world of human trafficking is somehow beyond their capability to fight.  Here is the truth, you can and should join in the fight against modern slavery. Is it not our responsibility as human beings to look out for one another?

What steps can you take to help those in need? ADVOCATE. Speaking on behalf of the victims worldwide ( a heavy portion of whom are children) is one of the biggest tools that can be used by every day people like you and I. EDUCATE others. More people need to be informed on the horrors of this terrible industry.  COLLABORATE. Use your skills to raise awareness of this problem. All of these things are crucial to ending the torment of the victims in this evil system of slavery. You CAN help! OneBread foundation is showing you the way. You can donate by shopping on Amazon or Groupon from the onebread website.

Victims, NOT Prostitutes!


It is not unusual for a teen selling sex to deny that she’s working for someone else, even if against her will.  However, that is exactly what’s going on.

Due to the increase in internet sites offering young girls for escort services, among other things, this problem continues to grow.

Here is the bottom line that the community needs to understand:

“People who are having sex with children are not “Johns” and “Tricks”.  They are child rapists and pedophiles, so we should call then what they are.” - Jada Pinkett Smith

Besides the abduction of children (some as young as 8 or 10 years old), there is the luring of teens via the internet by so-called friends or boyfriends expressing interest in the child.  The abductors and pimps are not always the same person, but the result is the same.  A child or teen is forced to have sex against his/her will with strangers for payment.

The pimps in our area are making $35,000 per week! By selling CHILDREN.

So, we are on a mission to educate the public about human trafficking in the United States.  This growing multi-billion-dollar industry is a cancer growing in our society which must be eradicated.  

The assumption has been that the person selling themselves for sex, was doing so of their own accord and free will.  Yet sex with children and teens does not fall into this category.  

What discernment or discretion does a 14 or 16-year-old have, especially with threatened harm to themselves or their loved ones?

Slavery was wrong before the emancipation proclamation, and it is still wrong today.

We are asking our friends, family members and anyone who will listen to help us make an impact on our culture.

As we move forward with this critical mission of Advocating, Educating and Collaborating with others - all we ask is that you lend your support by shopping online from our website and encouraging others to do the same.

Will you help us to rehabilitate these victims today?! Or will you continue to sit on the sidelines while they continue in slavery?

Even at the Super Bowl


I live fairly close to the Levi Stadium where the Super Bowl 50 was held last month.  There were so many festivities and hype building up to the big game; Super Bowl City was erected, banners were flying and there was jubilation in the air.  I was attending a Super Bowl party when the Blue Angels flew over the house; and a couple minutes later, they were broadcasted flying over the Levi Stadium.  That’s how intimate the game was for us - it was almost as good as being in the stadium.  All in all, it was a very exciting time for the San Francisco Bay Area, and I was thrilled to be a part of it.

Some people were not so happy to be a part of it.  Unfortunately, wherever there is a convention of masses there is sex trafficking.  An article in the San Jose Mercury News reported 42 suspected victims:  

“The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said its three-week crackdown on human-trafficking centered around the game -- and a contentiously debated uptick in prostitution activity -- netted the identification of 42 suspected victims. The undercover operation, which focused on local online escort ads, also resulted in the arrests or citations of 30 Johns, and 14 arrests or citations for alleged prostitution-related offenses, including the arrest of a 20-year-old Sacramento woman suspected of pimping a 17-year-old girl.”

I have come to accept that sex trafficking is taking place in my neighborhood, as difficult as it is to comprehend.  I just can’t accept why it is happening here, or anywhere for that matter. Greed, corruption and ego are the characteristics that come to mind with respect to both the Pimps and the Johns.  Prayers are needed for these people to find redemption in their lives.  They live with Satan guiding their ways and the only way to stop them is to lock them up in jail or have them find the road to redemption through Jesus Christ.  

While we’re saying our prayers for the evildoers, we need to say a prayer for the victims who have been abused and have lived the life of destruction: they’ve been told they’re worthless and that nobody cares. These youths need to be rescued, they need to hear that God made them and He doesn’t make mistakes. These victims need to be built up to believe in themselves and that is our job.  

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:40

Resolute to Reach Out


Resolution: The action of solving a problem; a firm decision to do or not to do something.

As was mentioned in our New Years’ Newsletter – My favorite resolution is to not make a resolution! In the past, New Years has been a month to start something new, to change something in our life, to improve what we find is lacking and/or problematic. When we, within a month, are less than great at meeting our resolution; we cancel all hopes of accomplishing it and walk away. 

What if we did something different! What if we made a resolution to improve on something that we are already doing well? What if – we resolute to improve the situation of someone else’s life? To share what we already have, doing what we already do? 

What if we told you there is a way you can help just by re-routing your normal online shopping trip through our website?  

On One Bread Foundation’s home page we have a unique link to Amazon. Once you click the link to Amazon you can shop amazing deals from Phone Accessories, New Gadgets, E Readers, Baby Needs, Beauty Supplies, and much more. If your normal main resolution is to save money or change your spending habits, Amazon is a good starting point. So why would we route you to our page first? Why wouldn’t we just ask for a donation?

As part of the Amazon Affiliate program every time you click on the Amazon link located on our webpage and purchase something from Amazon, as you normally would – Amazon pays One Bread Foundation a commission. This commission goes 100% back to rehabilitating youth rescued from sex trafficking. 

With one click on our page you would be able to help a child trapped in the horror of sex slavery and trafficking to be rehabilitated back to living a life free and unbound. You would be able to give back to another while saving money, shopping on Amazon. It’s that simple.

So what is your resolution? Mine?! To give back as much as I can in the year to come! Whatever that looks like! 

Value of One Person

By David P. BernaL

“I’m wanting to love them for who they are, where they are, in that moment, whatever that looks like. That is the person I’ve been entrusted with … and I’m called to do something for that person …” —Michele Van Fossen

Michele Van Fossen is not a counselor, a therapist, a pastor, or a priest. Not in the traditional sense of those words. Michele is a hairstylist, and she sees her everyday job as a vehicle for healing the people who sit in her chair.

Pastors do not have a monopoly on ministry. Whatever you do, wherever your work takes you, God has uniquely equipped you to serve and to meet people at their point of need. God has the power to redeem broken hearts and hopeless situations, through your work. You’re probably a lot like Michele. You can probably tell your own story of the sacredness of your work, and the miraculous ways God transforms the ordinary interactions of your day.

These moments of healing and hope that evolve through the course of any regular day? They are no coincidence. We partner with God as we put our hand to the plow—cultivating the ground beneath our feet, literally and figuratively. We carry the image of the Almighty God with us. When we surrender the work of our hands to his miraculous care, God breaks through, changing us, and those we serve, forever, and for good.

Please come join us and help change the world.  Our calling is to Advocate (for those without a voice), Educate (our communities) of the horrors involved with Human Trafficking and Collaborate (with others involved in both the rescue and rehabilitation efforts).   

What is the value of one person’s redeemed life?

Evil In All Ways

by Karen Abbruscato

At One Bread Foundation we strive to raise the awareness of the sex trafficking trade so we are not all turning a blind eye to the horrors of that industry.  Sex trafficking makes slaves out of victims, makes sinners out of the customers and feeds the sickness of greed in the owners.  It is evil in all ways.  

At One Bread Foundation, we want you to know that it is going on around us and that there are ways you can help stop it.  

We need to keep our eyes open and report what we see.   Was there a young teenage girl dressed inappropriately on the street corner, or loitering outside the convention center that could be reported and potentially saved?  Airports, convention centers, and motels are all potential places for us to open our eyes and see more than we want to. 

We need to be impartial when we see a woman or child on the street because we don’t know their story. Many of them are there involuntarily, or they’ve become controlled by an addiction and are there to feed it.  Some were brutally kidnapped, others were run-aways from a bad home situation. Whatever their story is, it needs to be told and we will only hear it once they’re rehabilitated.  

We need to be passionate about saving the victims once they’re rescued. They often don’t have much self worth because it has been stripped of them.  The healing process will be a long one, which requires them learning trust, self worth, and respect of themselves and others. 

Once they’re rescued, many don’t have a place to call home so we need to love them and provide them with education, housing, counseling and a renewed purpose in life.  We need you to help in this area, by supporting One Bread Foundation.  

One Bread Foundation’s first annual fashion show is November 21st at the Oak Park Christian Center in Pleasant Hill, CA.  We hope you will join us in this crucial fundraising event that is 100% in support of rehabilitating children rescued from sex trafficking.   The children, ages 10 – 18, are brought to a safe place where they learn to love themselves and acquire the life skills they need for the new chapter in their life.  

Please join us on Nov 21st; the fashion show will be a beautiful uplifting event where Fashions by Francesca’s will be modeled by our OBF volunteers.  Tea, sandwiches, dessert and coffee will be served to each attendee while entertained by Emcee, Faith Alpher of KKIQ Radio.  

Tickets are available online on our events page or by contacting Kelly Woo, One Bread Foundation, Inc.’s Event Coordinator for details: or (888) 252-5939 Ext. 702. If you’re not able to make it to the event I hope that you can purchase a seat as a donation.  

I look forward to seeing you there.  

Shop, Share, Support

by Tiszandra Sears

Are you tuning in for the first time? Have you had the chance to take a look at the previous blogs and posts from various team members of our One Bread Foundation team? 

Please allow me to catch you up to speed.

One Bread Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose goal is to aid in providing funds to help rehabilitate children saved out of sex trafficking. We are collaborating with New Day for Children to accomplish this mission. We are based in San Francisco Bay, California – and YES the problem that we are speaking of is right here in our back (and front!) yards. We have one very simple plan, to shop with you and raise money! Through the Amazon Affiliate program we are able to bring in a percentage of every order that is placed on Amazon when the shopper clicks on our unique link to Amazon right here on our website. It truly is that simple! All of the profits from this program are donated 100% back to rehabilitating these kids. 

We are just starting out. We are merely just babes in this organization. In such a short time we have already established multiple social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+), partnered with Macy’s for Shop for a Cause; and are currently planning our very first Annual Benefit Fashion Show with Francesca’s. We are branching out each day to be more and more effective, to bring our stories and our work to your inbox, your notification bar, your message screen – EVERYWHERE. Because children are depending on us. They are depending on all of us – to get the word out and to help them. To get them on their feet and off of the streets. 

It is estimated that 76% of sex transactions with young girls starts on the INTERNET. And if you have been on an advertising page on Facebook, you understand that it is starting to get even more blatant.  

“One study determined that minors who are trafficking victims are sold 10 to 15 times a day, six days a week. That means that each victim is "used" 9,360 to 14,040 times a year. Can you imagine the level of trauma that would produce in a child?” (

We need you! We need our team members and our One Bread family to come behind us and “share” us on social media. To “like” us and “follow” us. We need coverage. If the above statistics, and the previous blogs below doesn’t explain it, maybe an introduction into my past will help.

My name is Tiszandra Sears. I was a victim of sexual molestation and rape from the age of 13 until 18. Multiple occasions I begged for relief and begged for it to stop. I acted out, sometimes inappropriately, waiting for someone to notice. I was threatened that if I said anything that my abuser would not be able to support my family. So, trying to be the hero and allow my siblings to have a good chance at success, I kept my mouth shut and silently begged for someone to notice. I was assaulted right under the nose of my closet family members. With every passing year I learned to hate myself and started to harm myself and contemplate suicide. A young lady that attended a nearby Bible College spoke to my heart one day and reminded me of the hope found in Christ, unknowing of my situation. 

Years continued, I drew closer to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I followed my friend to Bible College and started learning the Word. It was there that I was surrounded with loving support. When everything came out and my family cut all ties with me, I had the support of a hundred prayer warriors and a few close friends that helped financial when all I had was a bed set and some clothes to my name. Because of this support I went on to start a career, get married, start a life with my husband, move across the country of Canada, and start another career. I get to discuss one day having a family. I get to worship side by side with my husband on Sunday morning. I get to experience daily first world comforts including the two homes we currently own and our vehicles, our cats, internet, and the list goes on. 

And all of this, yes through our hard work it is paid for, but through the grace and support I received in my life I was able to get on my feet in order to work hard and grow beyond my past. When two of my dear younger family members came out with their own story of abuse I was able to be their rock and support. I was able to love them the way my past support loved me. They were not alone. I thank the Lord every day and all those that have had a part in my life, who believed in me, and looked past my rough edges. Those who saw more than a broken girl. I could have very well been a statistic, been on the streets, found solace in drugs and alcohol (after all, that is the path set out before me by many folks in my own family), but that is not my story.

And it shouldn’t have to be the story of many children out there. Let’s be that support for them! We may never know their names, but there is One who does. There is One who is able to comfort them. Together we can provide rehabilitation. We can provide stability with the resources available. We can provide public education. However, we cannot provide anything without you. Without someone to shop with us on Amazon, without someone to simply share a Facebook post. 

If I knew, as a 15 year old, that one share on Facebook would bring rescue and rehabilitation from the nightmare I was in, I would have begged you on my knees. There is someone who is begging us, and we do have the resources. Will you help us? 

Shop. Share. Support. It is that easy!

Reclaiming the Lives of Children



Sex trafficking of minors remains a dirty secret in the San Francisco Bay Area; however, One Bread Foundation, Inc. and our supporters want to bring it into the light.

California has the weather which is the envy of most of the nation. Hundreds of thousands of new faces visit Northern California each year. We are an exciting vacation and convention destination. Sadly, people coming in to the Bay Area often leave their morals at home, and that makes them buyers of sex.

In the Bay Area dozens of minors are moved each month along networks of human trafficking.  While this information will never appear in our Chamber of Commerce or travel brochures, we are uniquely positioned to become a larger stop on the sex trafficking circuit.

Human Traffickers, who make their money by selling the innocence of children and shattering families, view the greater San Francisco Bay Area as an opportunity to sell bodies in San Francisco, Oakland and the surrounding areas.

Compounding the problem is the fact that human trafficking is a difficult and unpleasant issue to tackle. Many people simply cannot believe that it exists, or that it exists even within our own backyards. It does. Here are a few of the issues surrounding sex trafficking that you may be unaware of:

  • Discrepancies exist in the reporting of incidents, especially when it involves a minor.
  • Young victims of sex trafficking are often entrenched in complicated dependent relationships with their captors, unaware that they’re being forced into prostitution.
  • Legislation involving sex trafficking is ineffective, and intervention work by law enforcement and social services is challenging. Lawmen, government agents, lawmakers and victims’ advocates are working to build their own anti-trafficking network. 
  • Human slavery - once thought to be a thing of the past, now involves adults and children alike.
  • Minor sex trafficking occurs in both suburban and urban communities, wealthy and poor families, and racially diverse communities; but, minors who come from impoverished households may be especially vulnerable to victimization. In short, it can happen to anyone and anywhere.
  • Events that drive tourists to the Bay Area increase reports of trafficking.
  • Some victims are immigrants pressed into service as sex slaves, or youths sometimes lured away from malls and other public areas in the anonymity of a crowd.

The path to wholeness is long and complex. The needs of these victims include, but are not limited to: therapy, addiction treatment, housing and basic life skills.  Not the least of which are education and job skills.

Our goal is to eradicate child sex trafficking through public awareness, partnering with other organizations and law enforcement agencies.

Some escort services now cater to offering children between the ages of 8 and 16.  The very thought should sicken all of us!  

Both the buyers and sellers of child sex must be prosecuted.  Specifically, the solicitation of the rape of a minor, soliciting sexual exploitation of a minor by electronic means, and trafficking for a commercial sex act – are crimes to be punished. I firmly believe that mandatory sentences should be imposed.

Perhaps, what bothers me most is this is a case of Supply and Demand.  Sex trafficking is growing with the use of new technologies, and the perversion of sex with children can be found online.

We are seeing in some poorer cities or counties a higher rate of sex trafficking.  But, poverty is not the single reason for the rise in sex trafficking – but, it certainly is a driver.

Whenever we talk about human trafficking right here in our own backyards, people typically say, "I had no idea." By increasing awareness, we reduce, bit-by-bit, the freedom traffickers have to operate here.

So, what can you do?  

Host a benefit event, art show, bike ride, walkathon or other awareness/fundraiser to help keep other young people free, or for global anti-slavery work. Be creative!

Some practical suggestions include: contacting your local assembly person, state senator or representative in congress.  You can support our funding of rehabilitation of children rescued from their life of slavery.  And, you can always help spread the word! Helping can be as simple as shopping online starting from our website (