Could This Invention Be the Key to Reducing Sex Trafficking?

By Brishti Mondal, Contributing Writer

Technology is always like that: people are against it, people are for it. But eventually, if you develop Technology in the right way, you’ll always have many benefits for people.
— Dr. David Levy

Have you ever wondered what drives people to become consumers of the sex trade? There are many reasons: loneliness, unattended desires or even nymphomania can drive someone to a brothel and to sex workers. But the sex work industry doesn't care about these reasons; its main concerns are creating profit and fulfilling demand. This is what drives human trafficking of adults and children alike.

Since the inception of human trafficking, which makes billions in profits each year and is spread across the entire globe, people have been trying to shut it down. Recently, engineers and scientists have tested the idea of sex dolls as a substitute for humans in the sex work industry to curb illegal trafficking. Sex dolls are human-like silicone dolls used to fulfill sexual desires—some even utilize artificial intelligence to simulate actual human characteristics. 

Sergi Santos, a Spanish scientist who pioneered the idea of sex dolls implanted with AI, thinks that his business may help influence consumer behavior away from the sex trade. In an interview with Reuters, Santos explains, “Should you be trafficking humans? I think it's obvious—no. So what we should do is stop that, and make people spend the money on the doll.”

As technology advances, brothels in global cities will be staffed by robot prostitutes, claims AI researcher David Levy in his 2007 book "Love and Sex With Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships." Levy believes that the cost of sex robots will drop to become more cost-effective than paying for a sex worker. "The advent of sex robots will probably reduce the popularity of having sex with a sex worker. And if it's going to have that effect, it will also reduce sex trafficking," Levy said in the same interview with Reuters.

In 2018, a sex robot brothel funded by taxpayers opened in a popular red-light district of Amsterdam. The owners of the brothel believe that sex dolls replacing sex workers in brothels will eventually reduce illegal trafficking, while also keeping the market open for sex workers who want to work in the industry willingly. Editor’s Note: Dutch officials have a strict policy of not allowing the production of childlike dolls.

But the arrival of sex robots has stirred up conflicting opinions. Inventors like Santos believe they can help stem the sex trade, while others believe they normalize rape culture. No matter where you stand on the issue, you can help child sex trafficking victims by sharing One Bread Foundation's mission and cause. Please forward this blog to your friends and family members and encourage them to subscribe to our newsletter at for more updates, news and ways to help children and young adults rescued from sex trafficking. 

Sources and Further Reading

1. The truth behind who really buys sex dolls, from the man who makes the most realistic ones you can buy

2.   Sex robots: anti-sex-trafficking aid, or just perverted?

3.   How dolls could help prevent child sexual abuse

4.   First Amsterdam sex doll brothel opens its doors

5.   Sex robots: perverted or practical in fight against sex trafficking?